Thursday, September 22, 2011

Time for a Change

So, this week has been stressful already. I have just had a lot going on this week, and I don't know how to handle it. Normally I can handle this stuff pretty okay, but lately I have just been bogged down with so much that I am not sure how I am gonna take it. Between relationships, family, and school I'm about to lose my head. I have been trying to focus less on serious relationships and have been focusing more on my relationship with God. Which, that may be why I have been stressing so much. It always seems that whenever we want to focus more on God to get our lives on a better track, Satan has to turn up all of the other problems in our lives. I know that God has everything under control so I am not worrying about it much, but it still stresses me out. I just need a drastic change in my life. I am at a new school, new friend pool, new everything really. Although some things are the same there is a lot of new in my life too. I really think I just need some time to just think through what God wants me to do and decide what the right direction for my life is right now. God is speaking a lot, I just pray that I continue to hear him more and know what he wants more for my life.

God's plan is the most important plan for our lives. Remember to follow his plan, its the only one that will ever work. Have a wonderful day!! You're beautiful because God made you!

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