Thursday, September 22, 2011

Time for a Change

So, this week has been stressful already. I have just had a lot going on this week, and I don't know how to handle it. Normally I can handle this stuff pretty okay, but lately I have just been bogged down with so much that I am not sure how I am gonna take it. Between relationships, family, and school I'm about to lose my head. I have been trying to focus less on serious relationships and have been focusing more on my relationship with God. Which, that may be why I have been stressing so much. It always seems that whenever we want to focus more on God to get our lives on a better track, Satan has to turn up all of the other problems in our lives. I know that God has everything under control so I am not worrying about it much, but it still stresses me out. I just need a drastic change in my life. I am at a new school, new friend pool, new everything really. Although some things are the same there is a lot of new in my life too. I really think I just need some time to just think through what God wants me to do and decide what the right direction for my life is right now. God is speaking a lot, I just pray that I continue to hear him more and know what he wants more for my life.

God's plan is the most important plan for our lives. Remember to follow his plan, its the only one that will ever work. Have a wonderful day!! You're beautiful because God made you!

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I really hate it when teacher randomly just decide to give you homework!! I thought all I had this weekend was to write a short paper and read for philosophy... but today I check my school email and I have a stupid 2 page compare and contrast paper for my KS History class!!! So, naturally instead of getting right on that, here I am blogging about it. Plus it doesn't help that I also really don't feel well today... O well... I just hate this KS History class... It is SO boring and I just don't feel like I learn anything from this teacher and her teaching methods. K well I guess I should stop ranting now and get to writing. I'm just frustrated right now.

Love you all!!!!
Remember... You're beautiful because God made you!!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Colder Weather

So, today is a pretty cold day here in Kansas! It's only like 55 degrees, I guess we can be greatful that it isn't 110 outside like it has been all summer. I did almost wear my peacoat today but I decided it wasn't THAT cold today. I settled for a caridgan, skinny jeans, and my Toms today; it is most definitely not warm enough.

My week has definitely been plenty stressful already (granted the week is almost over, but still stressful enough). Life has definitely hit in full swing and I'm not sure I'm loving it. School is plenty busy with lots and lots of homework and activities going on, but all in all it is going well and at least it is fun. So far my favorite class would have to be my devotional life class. I am absolutely loving the homework for it! My readings are just so great and insightful! I am also loving our disciplines that we are practicing each week. We have already done sleep, slowing down/ margin, and this week we are doing play. My homework for this weekend is to go to a park or a friends house and just play games or be outside; we are just supposed to have FUN! I am really looking forward to just being reminded of the joy of play that God has designed for us in our lives!

Well, this has been my first blog post, I was kind of unsure of what to say in a blog... but since I got rid of facebook I tweet a lot and I think I'm really gonna like this blogging thing! Hope I don't bore you!!!

Have a marvelous day!!! You're beautiful because God made you!!! Remember that!

- Kayla Marie